Friday, May 15, 2009

Comments on Rebecca Weiser's Swine Flu Post

According to my classmate, Rebecca Weiser’s, post about the swine flu outbreak, I completely and 100% agree with her opinion. I too perceive that we, as a nation and even we as a combined mass of the world, blew it “out of proportion.”

Rebecca also mentions in her post that, “more people die of the regular flu than the swine flu, which is why I think we are being a bit too worrisome.” In this, I do not believe we are being to “worrisome”, I believe that we are realizing the precautions we should take to avoid diseases. If we were to be as careful as we were while the swine flu was an “epidemic” then we wouldn’t stress over flu season or sicknesses as much, in general. Precautions like washing your hands after using the restroom, using antibacterial sanitizers after sneezing, cleaning toys at schools more often (since the swine flu was more common in children), and wiping off door and toilet knobs more frequently, would seriously decreases the spread of germs which cause bacteria and viruses to become diseases.

And though I may take it to the next extreme by believing that the government used the swine flu outbreak to cover up something more controversial, I still stand firm in trusting that we did push the swine flu to its media and health scaring limits.

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